Save yourself a journey by arranging for our experienced tutor to visit you for two hours.
Private sewing tuition will be available for one person or groups
(up to 4)
Our two-hour private session will help you making good progress with your old project, starting the journey learning how to sew or leave you with confidence to continue on your own.
Private tuition will be tailored to your requirements.
Minimum 2 hours time slots booking
SEWING TUITION PRICES (7+ year olds, includes adults)
£65 per hour, 1 tutor : 1 student
£80 per hour, 1 tutor : 2 students
£105 per hour, 1 tutor : 3 students
£125 per hour, 1 tutor : 4 students
Availability: Mostly weekends
Please email us for more details at
Thank you!
Gio Gomez
Fashion Designer